Pre-pregnancy Health Check

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Pre-pregnancy Health Check

Pregnancy isn’t something that should come up as a surprise, instead, it can be well-planned and thought through to ensure there are no unexpected complications. Also, a lot of couples may have difficulties with conception or sustaining a pregnancy, these could be due to a variety of factors which are easily detected in a pre-pregnancy check. By undergoing a pre-pregnancy check it is likely that such factors can be identified, and appropriate measures are taken to mitigate the chances of a failed or difficult pregnancy.

A pre-pregnancy check is also likely to help couples prepare for pregnancy in an appropriate and healthy manner. What to expect during the pregnancy term and how to deal with the myriad changes – both physiological and psychological – are discussed in detail which makes it easier to anticipate and face these changes with confidence and comfort.

The pre-pregnancy check is not just for the woman, but also for the male partner. In many cases, the difficulties of conception or during pregnancy and childbirth may stem from the physiological and psychological deficiencies of the male partners. Each of these can be identified at the pre-pregnancy check-up and adequate measures can be taken.

A healthy pregnancy is not a manner of chance. It is a matter of choice, appropriate planned and preparedness – with a pre-pregnancy check-up being the very first one.

A pre-pregnancy check-up is essential for your own health and the health of the baby that you intend to bring into this world. As they say, oftentimes it is important to take care of yourself before taking care of those under your care. Conceiving, carrying and bringing a child into this world is a significant task, that requires both mental fortitude and physical strength to be able to do it in a manner that is healthy and happy for both parents & the progeny.

Thus, during the course of a pre-pregnancy check, your gynecologist will take you through a thorough check of the following:

  • Your general physical health
  • Your reproductive health & history
  • Your medication schedule (if any)
  • Your surgical history (if any)
  • Your family history
  • Your partner’s health history
  • Your lifestyle & habits

Once the gynecologist has a clear understanding of the above, you will have a discussion on the course of pregnancy. How to conceive, how to detect and how to sustain a pregnancy – are all factors discussed in detail.

For any stage in life, planning & preparation always helps – and pregnancy is no different. In fact, the best way to have a simplified, successful and safe pregnancy is to be as well prepared as possible. The better the preparation, the less likely are you to see contingencies and emergencies. Also, a pre-pregnancy check-up gives you an insight into the possible emergencies that may occur and charts your responses to deal with those emergencies.

A pre-pregnancy check is not just for a successful conception. In fact, a pre-pregnancy check-up is to ensure your preparedness for the course of the entire pregnancy. The doctors also learn about the possible health emergencies that can occur, your risk of developing complications such as – gestational diabetes, excessive weight gain during pregnancy and any other complication that may endanger the life of either the baby or the mother.

A pre-pregnancy check-up starts with a detailed discussion between you, your spouse and your gynecologist. This discussion will encompass your decision to have a baby if you have made any effort, your general health, reproductive health, lifestyle pattern, and family health.

The gynecologist is then likely to send your blood samples for a laboratory check to ascertain your complete health profile and any possible issues related to conception. If any issues related to infertility is identified, then the first step is to address those issues.

The gynecologist will also discuss the expected course of your pregnancy, ascertain your readiness and prescribe sessions to help you get acquainted with the impending parenthood that you have planned.

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